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Nicole Beus Harris
Apr 1, 20203 min read
April is National Minority Health Month
Currently, we are all rightly focused on preventing the further spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, not even a pandemic stops cancer, so...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Mar 30, 20202 min read
52Frames - Week 13: Line from a Song
“ A Little Sunshine ” I used the random line generator and received "Oh, the wind and rain" by Gillian Welch. I didn't look up the song...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Mar 23, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 12: Books
“ Travel Goals ” I have a love hate relationship with travel; I love my experiences, I hate to fly. The last few years have brought many...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Mar 16, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 11: Triangular Compositions
“ 3.14 = PI.E ” Triangle challenge week that includes Pi Day, of course I had to shoot some pie photos! Unless you're trying to make...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Mar 9, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 10: Abandoned
“Oh the stories...” I love my 2nd home. It's a very historical town dating back to colonial times. Both Harriet Tubman and Frederick...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Mar 2, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 9: Extreme Contrast
“ Tulips ” Tulips are my favorite spring flower. Unfortunately, we don't have any tulips blooming yet so I had to make due. I immediately...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Mar 1, 20202 min read
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
When you think of the most common cancers, skin, breast and lung cancers might come to mind. But it may surprise you that colorectal...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Feb 24, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 8: Pairs
"The Key to My Lock" Pair: a set of two things used together or regarded as a unit. What's a better example of a pair than a key & its...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Feb 17, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 7: Intentional Color
"Opposites Pop!" When I think about color I often think about my son, my nephew, and my grandfather who have all suffered with being...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Feb 10, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 6: Rule of Thirds
“The End in Sight? ” I was sick for most of this week, so opportunities for photos really lacked. At the end of last year I had thought...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Feb 4, 20202 min read
February is National Cancer Prevention Month
When the topic of preventing cancer is raised, it is sometimes met with the question: “Can you prevent cancer?” February is National...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Feb 3, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 5: Shoot from Above
“Typewriter Timewarp ” Just looking at a typewriter can throw me back in time. I can almost hear the clickety clack of the keys and see...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Jan 27, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 4: Fill the Frame
“Marvelous Marbles” I have a fascination with marbles. It may stem from childhood and playing marbles with my friends or maybe it's just...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Jan 21, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 3: Wabi-Sabi!
"The Family Jewel (at least in my mind)" This is Cory - a 1950 Dodge Coronet and she was my maternal great-grandmother's last car. I was...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Jan 13, 20201 min read
52Frames - Week 2: Leading Lines
"Follow Which Line?" I took this photo during the first snowfall of 2020 at 10pm. I wasn't planning on using it for the challenge, ...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Jan 8, 20202 min read
Imagine preventing cancer with just a series of shots or a brief visit to the doctor. That’s a reality with cervical cancer. As a member...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Jan 6, 20202 min read
52Frames - Week 1: Self-Portrait
"My Two Environments" I have lived in many places in the USA, from the Pacific to the Atlantic & in between. For the last 20 years I have...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Dec 30, 20191 min read
52Frames - Week 52: Break the Rules
“ Obstructed View ” So I almost forgot that today was Sunday and the challenge ends in less than 90 minutes, I had to think of something...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Dec 23, 20191 min read
52Frames - Week 51: Black & White Minimalism
“ Detailed Minimalism ” While this photo may be minimalistic, the Herend rose I bought in Budapest is not minimal at all. The silver...
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Nicole Beus Harris
Dec 16, 20191 min read
52Frames - Week 50: Water
“ Melted Snowman ” I've got a twisted sense of humor, what can I say. So glad the weather cooperated and brought me the first snowfall...
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