“ A Little Sunshine ”

I used the random line generator and received "Oh, the wind and rain" by Gillian Welch. I didn't look up the song before I decided what I wanted to photograph because I had an image in my head and the weather was cooperating this week. With gray rainy days and some wind to boot, my bright sunny daffodils were hanging their heads. Even still with the social isolation of week 2 and the gray days, the daffodils are a reminder that there is sunshine ahead. All we have to do is bow our heads and carry on - the storm will part, I'm sure of that. Now if you want something depressing, read the song lyrics (a friend sent them to me when I sent my photo over) but I don't recommend that in today's climate. Just remember that the sun will come out again, just carry on.

And now for the song this line came from - which is not what inspired my sunshine daffodil photos. Here’s the song. Totally tragic….
Lyrics: Traditional
There were two sisters of county Clare,
Oh, the wind and rain
One was dark and the other was fair,
Oh, the dreadful wind and rain.
And they both had a love of the miller's son,
Oh, the wind and rain
But he was fond of the fairer one,
Oh, the dreadful wind and rain.
So she pushed her into the river to drown
oh, the wind and rain.
And watched her as she floated down
oh, the dreadful wind and rain.
And she floated till she came to the millers pond
oh, the wind and the rain
Dead on the water like a golden swan
oh, the dreadful wind and rain.
As she came to rest on the riverside
oh, the wind and the rain
And her bones were washed by the rolling tide
oh, the dreadful wind and rain.
And along the road came a fiddler fair
oh, the wind and rain
And found her bones just a lying there, cried
oh, the dreadful wind and rain
So he made a fiddle peg of her long finger bone
oh, the wind and the rain
He a made a fiddle peg of her long finger bone, crying
oh, the dreadful wind and rain
And he strung his fiddle bow with her long yeller hair
oh, the wind and the rain
He strung his fiddle bow with her long yeller hair, cried
oh, the dreadful wind and rain.
And he made a fiddle fiddle of her breast bone
oh, the wind and rain
He made a fiddle fiddle of her breast bone, cried
oh, the dreadful wind and rain
But the only tune that the fiddle could play was
oh, the wind and rain
The only tune that the fiddle would play was
oh, the dreadful wind and rain.