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Robin Hood Shop celebrates 64 years and no mortgage

The staff and volunteers of the Robin Hood Shop, owned and operated by the Auxiliary of Dorchester General Hospital, celebrated the Shop’s 64th birthday on Tuesday, March 16. Auxiliary board members, UM Shore Regional Health officials and several local dignitaries were in attendance at the event, READ MORE...

Who are Maryland’s electors? Must they vote for Biden?
Here’s what to know about the process.

As President Donald Trump continues to fire off baseless allegations of voter fraud,

the election methods of 50 states hold the spotlight. READ MORE...

Here Are Maryland’s Potential Electors For 2020

The next president of the United States will ultimately be chosen by the 538-member Electoral College when it convenes in December, including 10 electors from Maryland. The number of electors is equal to the number of Senators and U.S. Representatives from each state.


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