"Finding Peace"

I didn't feel like taking photos much this week after I took so many pics of my dear Reagan dog while he was dying. I originally had planned on using his curly hair as my texture photo. So this photo will have to do to keep my streak alive. I am very blessed to live so close to the water and many different little beaches and docks. This one that we came upon on Saturday is at a quiet retreat for veterans who need to recover. I really liked how the sand was washed up over the dock - two competing textures. The grass and the water in the distance are bonuses. My photo didn't come out as cool as it was in real life, but I couldn't see my screen and I couldn't get down on the dock to try and get it any better. Next week is another challenge - another "day" so to speak.
#texture #NDBHphotography #NicoleBeusHarris #DorchesterCountyMaryland #PatriotPoint #ChesapeakeBay #NaturePhotography
Other photos from this week -
